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The Real Ghost Stories

In A Little Yellow House 

When I was little about 5 years old I lived in a small yellow house

We had lived there for a while before my whole family started getting these paranormal experiences. My parents have told me they were going on even before I can remember, like when I was still a baby

She had claimed she would put me to bed at night, and after she went back to her room she said she would hear my twin and I talking, (in baby talk) like we were talking to something in the room, she would come up to my room and we would be dead asleep. While in my parents bedroom my mom and dad would claim at night they would see shadows, in the shaped of dogs with sharp teeth

Also in the daytime if you put something down I would be gone the next second

(At this point I was able to remember things) I remembered my mom would always find things halfway across the room and blame me, well one time I went to my grandma's house she reported something was missing a picture of me! It had disappeared for about a month then it turned up on a little shelf with two little people figures on the side. I was a little kid and did not know much about "orbs" and "ghosts" well I sure did see a lot of them

One night I was in my room and sleeping

I woke suddenly by a fierce grab on my shoulder I flew up and looked around I looked at my twin she was asleep

I closed my eyes and laid down the very next minute I felt it again! I shot up this time knowing it was my twin, grabbed her shoulder and pinched her as hard as I could, she opened her eyes

I realized she had been asleep and apologized for hurting her

She asked me what was wrong... Another thing I saw in bed was orbs lots of them they looked as if they were balls of mist floating around

The time I best remember one of these it was a cold night I saw something white float through my door I watched it float around for a while

After a while it started coming close to my bed

I froze and could not move, my body was stiff

Came close to me stopped right next to my bed stayed there a bit, then dropped right through the floor

AS soon as it left the room I could move again. About a month later when I saw something white sticking through the door I was shocked and was scared

The entire thing got through the door I saw it was not an orb it was a tall lady dressed all in white with a blue mist around her

I did not feel stiff or scared I actually felt welcomed to go right up to her

She stood there and smiled and after about five minutes the walked back through the door to another room

It was believe that it was my great grandma.
